
JKSSB advertisement notification no. 02 of 2021 online application link active now

JKSSB advertisement notification no. 02 of 2021 application link has been activated now.

Jkssb online application

Some points to keep in mind while filling JKSSB forms : 

1. Read the advertisement carefully & select/shortlist the posts for which u r eligible / u want to apply .

2. Go to & apply to these posts .

Please apply as soon as possible to avoid last minute rush .

3. Pay fee & don't forget to take a printout of that as it may b used for future references (if ur status shows fee not paid ) .

4. Take a printout of ur application form & keep it at safe place  so that at the time of downloading admit card u will not face any problem  as we receive hundreds of msgs at the time of downloading admit card regarding this issue (we have forgot application Id etc ). Having hard copy of ur appication form will nullify this problem .

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