
Jkssb full-length mock test pdf| Jkjob updates Mock Test 1

Jkssb full-length mock test pdf| Jkjob updates Mock Test 1

Jkssb class iv exam is scheduled to be held from 27th Feb. to 1st March 2021. Most of the aspirants are almost fully prepared and only need a finishing touch to their preparation, which can help them to ace this exam. So we have a piece of good news for you, our team has compiled a Jkssb class IV full-length mock test pdf for you. 

Jkssb class IV full-length mock test pdf| Jkjob updates Mock Test 1

JKSSB Class IV Paper Pattern 

Basic Mathematics                           20 Marks
Basic Reasoning                               20 Marks
Basic English                                    20 Marks
General Awareness and Science     40 Marks
Time Allotted                                    2 Hours

Mock Test 01 by Jkjobupdates

Q1. 11% of which number is 33?

a)      300

b)      330

c)      110

d)      None of these 

Q2. If the average marks of three batches of 55, 60 and 45 students respectively are 50, 55, 60, then the average marks of all the students is:

a)      53.33

b)      54.68

c)      55

d)      Data inadequate

Q3. The average score of a cricketer for ten matches is 38.9 runs. If the average for the first six matches is 42, then find the average for the last four matches.

a)      33.25

b)      33.5

c)      34.25

d)      35

Q4. The smallest number which when diminished by 7, is divisible by 12, 16, 18, 21 and 28 is

a)      1008

b)      1015

c)      1022

d)      1032

Q5. The HCF of two numbers is 11 and their LCM is 7700. If one of the numbers is 275, then the other is

a)      279

b)      283

c)      308

d)      318

Q6. The ratio of length to width of a rectangular sheet of paper is 5:3. If the width of the sheet is 18 cm, find its length?

a)      10 cm

b)      20 cm

c)      25 cm

d)      30 cm

Q7. Which of the following ratios is the greatest?

a)      7 : 15

b)      15 : 23

c)      17 : 25

d)      21: 29

Q8. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?

a)      1/2

b)      2/5

c)      8/15

d)      9 /20

Q9. In a single throw of a dice, what is the probability of getting a number greater than 4?

a)      1/2

b)      1/3

c)      2/3

d)      1/4

Q10. Present ages of Sameer and Anand are in the ratio of 5:4 respectively. Three years hence, the ratio of their ages will become 11:9 respectively. What is Anand’s present age in years?

a)      24

b)      27

c)      40

d)      Data inadequate

Q11. At present, the ratio between the ages of Arun and Deepak is 4 : 3. After 6 years, Arun’s age will be 26 years. What is the age of Deepak at present?

a)      12 years

b)      15 years

c)      19 1/2 years

d)      21 years

Q12. A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per hour?

a)      3.6

b)      7.2

c)      8.4

d)      10

Q13. A truck covers a distance of 550 meters in 1 minute whereas a bus covers a distance of 33 km in 45 minutes. The ratio of their speed is

a)      3:4

b)      4:3

c)      3:5

d)      5:3

Q14. A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 4 days, then the fraction of the work that is left is:

a)      1/4

b)      1/10

c)      7/15

d)      8/15

Q15. A is thrice as good as workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60 days less than B. Working together, they can do it in:

a)      20 days

b)      22.5 days

c)      25 days

d)      30 days

Q16. An isosceles triangle has one angle of 96°. What are the sizes of the other two angles?

a)      24°

b)      34°

c)      42°

d)      96°

Q17. Find the area of the circle with a radius of 10 inches?

a)      314.2 sq. inches

b)      115 inches

c)      320.29 sq. inches

d)      56.12 sq. inches

Q18. Find the length of one side of a right triangle if the length of the hypotenuse is 15 inches and the length of the other side is 12 inches.

a)      8 inches

b)      7 inches

c)      9 inches

d)      13 inches

Q19. The speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hr and the rate of current is 3 km/hr. The distance travelled downstream in 12 minutes is

a)      1.2km

b)      1.8 km

c)      2.4 km

d)      3.6km

Q20. 45% of 750 - 25% of 480 =?

a)      216

b)      217.50

c)      236.50

d)      245

Q21. Reluctant: Keen: : Remarkable : ?

a)      Usual

b)      Restrained

c)      Striking

d)      Evocative

Q22. Bread is related to Bakery in the same way as Brick is related to?

a)      Mint

b)      Kiln

c)      Furnace

d)      Mine

Q23. Pointing to a photograph, a man said M. I have no brother or sister but that man's father is my father's son." Whose photograph was it?

a)      His own

b)      His son's

c)      His father's

d)      His nephew 

Q24. Given that

·        A is the mother of B;

·        C is the son of A;

·        D is the brother of E;

·        E is the daughter of B.

The grandmother of D is

a)      A

b)      B

c)      C

d)      D

Q25. Kunal walks 10 km towards North. From there he walks 6 km towards South.

Then, he walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point?

a)      6 km West

b)      7 km West

c)      7 km East

d)      5 km North-East


Q26. A man is facing west. He turns 45° in the clockwise direction and then another 180O in the same direction and then 270° in the anticlockwise direction.

Which direction is he facing now?

a)      South

b)      North-west

c)      West

d)      South-west

Q27. In a certain code, MONKEY is written as XDJMNL. How is TIGER written in that code?

a)      QDFHS

b)      SDFHS

c)      SHFDQ

d)      UJHFS

Q28. In a certain code, 2 is coded as P, 3 as N, 9 as Q, 5 as R, 4 as A and 6 as B. How is 599423 coded in that code?





Q29. If white is called blue. Blue is called red, red is called yellow, Yellow is called green, green is called black, black is called violet and violet is called orange, what would be the colour of human blood?





Q30. Which of the following diagram represents the country, states and District?

Q31. Which one of the following diagrams represents the correct relationship among ‘Judge’, ‘Thief’ and ‘Criminal’?

Q32. A boy goes to see a film and finds a man who is his relative. The man is the husband of the sister of his mother. How is the man related to the boy?

a)      Brother

b)      Nephew

c)      Uncle

d)      Father

Q33. 4, 3, 5, 14, 55, ?

a)      285

b)      274

c)      319

d)      315

Q34. 4, 9, 25, ? 49.

a)      38

b)      63

c)      36

d)      81

Q35. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, ?

a)      13

b)      11

c)      10

d)      15

Q36. In the following question, a group of five figures is given. Out of which four figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from the other. Find the odd figure out.

Q37. In the following question, a group of five figures is given. Out of which four figures are similar to each other in a certain way and one is different from the other. Find the odd figure out.

Q38. Man: Women:: Dog: 





Directions: Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group.

Q39. (a) Carrot (b) Potato (c) Tomato (d) Beetroot

Q40. (a) Geometry (6) Algebra (c) Trigonometry (d) Mathematics

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles:

Q41. Did you bring______umbrella?

a)      A

b)      An

c)      The

d)      No article

Q42. I borrowed ________ pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.

a)      A

b)      An

c)      The

d)      No article

 Q43. (a); The two first to arrive/(b) were the lucky/(c) recipients of /(d) the scholarship./(e) No error.

 Q44. Choose the word/ group of words that is similar in the meaning of the given word.


a)      Insecure

b)      Risky

c)      mild

d)      Delicate

 Q45. You ______ brush your teeth after every meal.

a)      may

b)      should

c)      might

d)      shall

 Q46. The boys ______ train hard if they want to win the competition.

a)      ought to

b)      can

c)      shall

d)      must

 Choose the correct preposition in each sentence.

Q47. I knocked....him accidentally.

a)      Over

b)      by

c)      Both a & b

d)      No preposition

 Q48. She was ……… me when the accident occurred.

a)      Over

b)      By

c)      With

d)      No preposition

Q49. I slept ……… only two hours last night.

a)      Over

b)      With

c)      for

d)      No preposition

Choose the word/ group of words which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the given word.

Q50. Ephemeral

a)      Enduring

b)      Fleeting

c)      Fugacious

d)      Unendowing

 Q51. Mainstream

a)      Common

b)      Eccentric

c)      Normal

d)      Common

 Q52. The villagers ___________the death of their leader by keeping all the shops closed.

a)      Announced

b)      Protested

c)      Mourned

d)      Consoled

 Q53. We met ___________the party.

a)      in

b)      at

c)      on

d)      to

 Q54. Choose correct spelling from the given options?

a)      blissful

b)      blissfull

c)      blissful

d)      blisfull

 Q55. Choose correct spelling from the given options?

a)      beligerant

b)      belligerent

c)      bligerant

d)      blegirant

 Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:

King Francis was a great lover of all kinds of sport; and one day he and his courtiers, noblemen and ladies, sat watching wild savage lions fighting in the enclosure below. Amongst the courtiers sat Count de Large, beside a beautiful lady of noble birth, whom he loved and hoped to marry. The lions roared and bit and tore each other with savage fury until the king said to his courtiers, "Gentlemen, we are better up here than down there!" The lady, hearing him, though she would show the king and his court how devoted her lover was to her, so she dropped her glove among the fighting lions, and then looked at Count de Lorge and smiled at him. He bowed to her, and leaped down among the savage lions without hesitation, recovered the glove, and climbed back to his place in a few moments. Then he threw the glove right in the lady's face. King

Francis cried out, "Well, bravely done! But it was not loved that made your lady set you such a dangerous thing to do, but her vanity!”

 Q56. He bowed to her, and leaped down among the savage lions without hesitation.

The pronoun "her" refers to

a)      The lion

b)      One courtier

c)      His lady love

d)      The queen

 Q57. Fill the blanks with the right pair of words:

A mother has to _______the pangs of giving _______to her child.

a)      Bear, birth

b)      Bare berth

c)      Bare, birth

d)      Bear, berth

 Q58. Which of the following is most OPPOSITE in meaning to the word ‘expanded’ as used in the passage?

a)      Widened

b)      Pressured

c)      Delayed

d)      Shrunk

 Q59. Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word given below,


a)      Hurtled

b)      stumbled

c)      slumbered

d)      ran

Q60. Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning? as the word ‘PROPITIOUS’

a)      Forlorn

b)      Felicitous

c)      Baleful

d)      Portent

 Q61. The moderate congress leaders demanded

a)      No separation but representation

b)      Immediate end of British rule in India

c)      End of racial discrimination

d)      Introduction of English education

Q62. In the context of the Indian freedom struggle, 16 October 1905 is well known for which one of the following reasons?

a)      The formal proclamation of Swadeshi Movement was made in Calcutta town hall

b)      Partition of Bengal took effect

c)      Dadabhai Naoroji declared that the goal of Indian National Congress was Swaraj.

d)      Lokmanya Tilak started Swadeshi Movement in Poona.

 Q63. Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place in the city of?

a)      Agra

b)      Meerut

c)      Amritsar

d)      Lahore

 Q64. Yellow Revolution’ is associated with the production of

a)      Poultry

b)      Oil seeds

c)      Sunflower

d)      gold

Q65. Which of the following is the highest Aravalli Peak ?

a)      None of these

b)      Guru Shikhar

c)      Mt. K2

d)      Taragarh

 Q66. Change of Velocity per unit time is:

a)      Velocity

b)      Acceleration

c)      Speed

d)      Friction

 Q67. Conversion of gas into liquid is called:

a)      Convection

b)      Solidification

c)      Condensation

d)      Effusion

 Q68. Which spice, known as the most expensive spice in the world, is grown in Jammu & Kashmir?

a)      Cardamom

b)      Clove

c)      Anise

d)      Saffro

Q69. Which one of the following is the source of all energy forms on the earth?

a)      Earth’s gravity

b)      Sun

c)      Moon

d)      Fossil fuel

 Q70. Chenab originates from which of the following sites?

a)      Snowbed near Baralacha

b)      Kali Kundi Glacier

c)      Monalgi

d)      Sicahen Glacier

 Q71. Martand Sun Temple was built by?

a)      Lalitaditya Muktapida

b)      Maharaja Gulab Singh

c)      Akbar

d)      Sangramadev

 Q72. Habba Khatoon was the queen of which Kashmiri King?

a)      Aurangzeb

b)      Gazi Chak

c)      Akbar

d)      Yousuf Shah Chak

 Q73. Which varieties of Silk are grown in the state of Jammu and Kashmir?

a)      Mulberry

b)      Eri

c)      Tsar

d)      All of the above

 Q74. Which of the following is the capital of Jharkhand?

a)      Patna

b)      Ranchi

c)      Shilong

d)      None of the above

 Q75. In which folk dance of Kashmir valley the dresses of the dancers look similar to that of Kathak dancers?

a)      Bhand Pather

b)      Bhande Jashan

c)      Cham Cham

d)      Alley Yate

 Q76. Abdul Samad is associated with which sport?

a)      Football

b)      Cricket

c)      Wushu

d)      Ice Hockey

 Q77. J&K Saffron recently got GI tag with documentation no.?

a)      650

b)      635

c)      640

d)      540

 Q78. The 2020 Summer Olympics was scheduled to be held in which country?

a)      Japan

b)      Australia

c)      China

d)      Qatar

 Q79. The famous Kashmir cuisine which is prepared on special occasions is known as?

a)      Wazwan

b)      Wathal

c)      Pakwan

d)      Harisa


Q80. What was the special Constitutional position of Jammu and Kashmir before Aug 2019?

a)      Indian laws were not applicable in J&k.

b)      It was above Indian Constitution.

c)      It was not of the integral parts of Indian Union.

d)      It had its own Constitution

 Q81. Who was the first Lt. Governor of J&K UT?

a)      G.C Murmu

b)      R. K Mathur

c)      Sonum Lotus

d)      Karan Singh

Q82. Which place in J&K is known as Meadow of Gold?

a)      Yusmarg

b)      Gulmarg

c)      Sonamarg

d)      Beetab Valley

 Q83. Which of the following is the summer capital of J&K?

a)      Srinagar

b)      Jammu

c)      Both a & b

d)      None of the above

 Q84. The Governor of a State is appointed by the President on the advice of the

a)      Prime Minister

b)      Vice- President

c)      Chief Minister

d)      Chief Justice

 Q85. Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

a)      Jawaharlal Nehru

b)      Mrs. Indira Gandhi

c)      Dr. Rajendra Prasad

d)      Mahatma Gandhi

 Q86. Under which article of the Indian Constitution, J&K enjoyed special status till 2019?

a)      Art 342

b)      Art 344

c)      Art 340

d)      Art 370

Q87. The Constitution names our country as

a)      Bharat

b)      Aryavarta

c)      Hindustan

d)      India, that is Bharat

 Q88. Which Indian state is smallest in terms of area?

a)      Bihar

b)      Goa

c)      Rajasthan

d)      Punjab

 Q89. Cancer of blood is also called

a)      Leukemia

b)      Lymphoma

c)      Sarcoma

d)      Hybridoma

 Q90. Deforestation causes

a)      Soil erosion

b)      Loss of biodiversity

c)      Disturbance in the hydrological cycle

d)      All of the above

 Q91. The least distance of distinct vision of a normal eye of an adult is

a)      25 m

b)      25 cm

c)      25 mm

d)      None of these

 Q92. Which among the following personalities, birthday is observed as Kisan Diwas in India?

a)      Chaudary Charan Singh

b)      Norman Borlaug

c)      M S Swamynathan

d)      Atal Bihari Vajapeyi

 Q93. The ‘Tsukheniye’, ‘Bishu’, ‘Moatsu’ and ‘Tuluni’ are the important festivals celebrated by the Tribal people of?

a)      Tripura

b)      Nagaland

c)      Assam

d)      Mizoram

Q94. Which of the following Indian scientists is known as ‘Missile Man’ of India?

a)      H J Bhabha

b)      Vikram Sarabhai

c)      APJ Abdul Kalam

d)      K Kastoori Rangan

 Q95. The international boundary between India and China is

a)      Red Cliff Line

b)      Loc

c)      Mc Mohan Line

d)      Maginot Line

 Q96. As per Census 2011 which of the two states have been ranked first and second most populous states?

a)      Bihar and U.P.

b)      Maharastra and Bihar

c)      U.P. and Bihar

d)      U.P. and Maharastra

 Q97. The largest freshwater lake in India is?

a)      Dal Lake

b)      Powai Lake

c)      Wular Lake

d)      Chilka Lake

 Q98. Salt can be obtained from sea water by

a)      Filtration

b)      Decantation

c)      Evaporation

d)      Sublimation

Q99. All the members in a group in long form of periodic table have the same

a)      valence

b)      Number of valence electrons

c)      Chemical properties

d)      All of these

 Q100. Acid turn blue litmus –

a)      Green

b)      Red

c)      Yellow

d)      orange

Answer Key


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