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Book Review
This book on Financial Accountancy is published by the Tamil Nadu State Board of School Education. It contains all key concepts of Financial Accountancy complemented by objective questions presented in a comprehensive style designed for self-study. This book has been highly recommended by almost all Jkssb Panchayat Accounts Assistant qualifiers and can also help you to cover the Accountancy portion of your syllabus with ease. As you know Weightage topics for accountancy in JKSSB Panchayat Account
Assistant posts was 30 marks, this book helped aspirants to fetch 25+
marks easily. So now it's your turn to make full use of this book and crack
jkssb finance accounts assistant exam with flying colours.
Book Details
Book name- Accountancy for class 11th
Publisher- Dept of School Education govt of Tamil Nadu
Total pages- 625
i) Introduction to Financial Accounting and its terms.ii) Accounting equation and Journal.iii) Voucher Approach in Accounting.iv) Bank reconciliation Statement.v)Financial Management/Statements.vi) Rules for Journalizing.vii) Ledger Accounts.viii) Cash Book, Financial Audit.ix) Elements of Double entry Book Keeping.x) Trial Balance.xi) Trading Account.xii) Profit Loss Account and Balance Sheet.
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Also download part II class 12th
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